WiFi Solutions

Wireless Network Solutions for shopping malls and Metro Train Stations

Reliable connectivity for passengers

In today’s complex travel environment, Metro Station, Airports and transportation hubs need to provide a wide range of network services to cater to passengers, in-house staff, and quickly deploy new apps and network services.
Many transport hubs are already filling this gap with complimentary WiFi services. But controlling these services is difficult when login hassles, and bandwidth hogging by the tenants, make airport and train station networks a poor experience for travelers. There is also a need to quickly deploy new network services and apps without major changes required to the network.
Transport hub owners need to simplify their WiFi logins for easy on-boarding (e.g., SMS authentication, form authentication, social media login), control bandwidth to prevent tenant abuse, and drive travelers to tenant outlets – who can offer tiered WiFi access under agreement with the hub.

High-Density Wi-Fi Deployment, Ultimate Shopping Experience

The wireless network is increasingly affecting people’s lifestyle and shopping habits, and public Wi-Fi has become more popular, so much so that most retail industries now require this service.

Many shopping malls are actively implementing wireless solutions to adapt to this rapidly changing retail environment. FS Wi-Fi 6 network solutions can make Wi-Fi seamlessly cover all corners of the mall, and users can move freely without dropping the Wi-Fi signal. In addition, latency is down, and Wi-Fi coverage is far more stable, creating a superb shopping experience for users.

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